John LaPointe, Developer in Vancouver, BC, Canada
John is available for hire
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John LaPointe

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Web Developer

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
January 9, 2020

John has been working as a web developer for 20 years. John's expertise includes HTML and CSS template development, 响应式框架,如ZURB Foundation和Twitter Bootstrap, PHP and MySQL applications, and custom WordPress theme development.


Artizo Institute
PHP, WordPress, jQuery, HTML5, Bootstrap 4, Cron, Mail,自定义主题...
Mark Anthony Group
JavaScript, api, Hugo, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, jQuery, Instagram, Animation...
Dominet Web Services
WooCommerce, ZURB Foundation, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, WordPress, Bootstrap...




Preferred Environment

HTML, ZURB Foundation, Bootstrap, WordPress

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior WordPress Developer

2023 - 2023
Artizo Institute
  • 开发母网站和培训微网站《欧博体育app下载》, from a PSD file to a complex WordPress theme.
  • Created a sermon manager, allowing them to upload sermon recordings, categories by speaker, series, category, etc.,并且可以通过演讲者、系列、类别、关键字和带有分页结果的日期进行搜索.
  • 建立了唯一的课程微型网站,自定义内容管理和显示, 以及一个“查看器管理器”,它允许管理员创建课程内容查看器帐户,该帐户在一定时间后过期.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, jQuery, HTML5, Bootstrap 4, Cron, Mail,自定义主题, Theme Customization, Stripe

Web Developer

2020 - 2021
Mark Anthony Group
  • Redeveloped the White Claw website, 并为White Claw系列网站开发了新的国际版本:
  • 在需要时对所有网站进行时间敏感的更新, including White Claw, Mike's Hard, Bearface Whiskey, Glendalough Whiskey, Free Earth Tea, and Cactus Jack.
  • Launched new brands including Freed Earth Tea and Mike's Lemonade Seltzer (
Technologies: JavaScript, api, Hugo, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, jQuery, Instagram, Animation, Figma, Technical Architecture, Google Analytics, Custom Themes, Localization, REST APIs, Theme Customization

Contract Web Developer

2004 - 2021
Dominet Web Services
  • 为马克安东尼集团开发和管理消费者网站一年多, including brands like White Claw, Mike's Hard, and Bearface Whisky.
  • 为2020年多伦多作家节活动制定了一个主题(作家节).ca). 这项工作包括与Tessitura Network事件/资源管理CRM的高级集成, including custom login sessions and registrations.
  • Developed a resources manager, FAQ manager, photo galleries, video galleries, and online courses with quizzes and audio files for
  • 开发了一个系统,可以在谷歌地图上显示阿蒂佐学院的毕业生,用图片作为图标,并在www上自定义弹出信息窗口
  • 开发了一个新的响应式WordPress网站,专门从事身份盗窃意识和预防,称为身份第一(www.identity First)任务包括创建带有API的自定义MemberPress集成.
  • 使用WooCommerce为NSA加拿大公司开发了一个基于api的高级奖品订购表单.nsacanada.Ca)创建了一个大订单,有两种不同的定价方案和信用体系.
  • 作为首席开发人员在现场工作了四个月,为Rogers Communications的Cityfone系列网站开发新网站, including and
  • 为不列颠哥伦比亚省的室内设计师建立了会员注册. 这项工作涉及编写用于从CSV文件导入成员的表单, member pages, 还有一个搜索页面,允许按类别搜索成员, name, and more.
Technologies: WooCommerce, ZURB Foundation, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, WordPress, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), SEO Tools, Elementor, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Content Management Systems (CMS), MySQL, Pixel Perfect, Responsiveness, Front-end, Accessibility, Web Development, SaaS, Web Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), PayPal, WordPress Design, Scripting, Technical Architecture, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Technical Leadership, Custom Themes, REST APIs, Plugin Development, Theme Customization, Membership Sites, Stripe, MemberPress

Mark Anthony Brand Websites

为白爪等国际知名酒类品牌开发新网站, Mike's Hard Lemonade, and Bearface Whiskey. 这些网站包括白爪所有的国际网站, Bearface Whiskey (, Mike's Hard Lemonade (, Cayman Jack (, Glendalough Whiskey (, Freed Earth Tea (, and Mike's Lemonade Seltzer (/

Toronto International Festival of Authors
在Bootstrap 4中开发了一个starter主题,为使用Tessitura Network API构建一个大型事件管理web应用程序奠定了基础. 我将登录、密码重置、帐户创建和事件注册集成到WordPress中.

Maximizer CRM
Worked on a 3-month contract to redevelop and simplify a 1,000+页的WordPress网站为温哥华的最大化客户关系管理. 任务包括基于新设计创建一个新的Bootstrap 4主题, 设置网站使用WP面包店可视化编辑器和重做所有的页面与它一起工作, reorganizing the content and assets, removing the obsolete Blade templating engine from the core, 并使用重力表单重新创建他们所有的销售和引导页面, various APIs, and custom functions.

作为首席开发人员在现场工作了四个月,为Rogers Communications的Cityfone系列网站开发新网站, including and
我的职责包括使用Bootstrap 4进行前端开发,将设计文件转换为响应式模板,并在高级水平上使用jQuery. I also completed the back-end development using PHP, Ajax, an Oracle database, and the ExpressionEngine CMS. 我创建了一个非常先进的1页应用程序,允许访问者选择电话计划和多达两种不同的设备,同时从数据库中获取定价交易和奖金优惠. The result can be seen at

Lab Test Directory
我开发它是为了允许客户通过测试代码、测试名称或CPT代码搜索实验室测试. 该页面由一个表单组成,该表单允许客户输入文本和PHP代码,以便使用用户输入的数据搜索使用公司构建的API返回测试结果的相应测试. 然后,客户端可以点击一个测试来查看任何测试的完整细节.

Cost Estimator
There is a cost estimator form on the Bioreference.该网站允许输入他们的个人数据,并获得实验室测试的成本估算. 我的工作是获取返回的HTML数据表,并添加“打印或电子邮件”功能,允许客户端打印或发送结果. Using PHP and the FPDF library, 我能够生成成本估算结果的漂亮的PDF摘要,它可以提示客户打印或允许客户输入电子邮件,以便通过电子邮件将PDF估算发送给他们.

Brick Search Microsite
这个项目的目的是允许管理人员在校园的历史马蹄铁上添加新的砖块,上面有人们的名字和铭文. 网站浏览者可以通过名字或铭文搜索砖块.


HTML, PHP, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, CSS3, Hugo


Bootstrap, Bootstrap 3, ZURB Foundation


REST API, jQuery, WordPress API, WordPress REST API, Stripe, Salesforce API,自定义API, FPDF


Google Analytics, Figma, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Cron




WordPress, WooCommerce, Oracle


MySQL, Databases


APIs, WordPress Themes, Content Management Systems (CMS), Pixel Perfect, Front-end, PSD to WordPress, HTML to WordPress, Web Development, Custom Themes, Theme Customization, API Integration, Gravity Forms, MemberPress, SEO Tools, WordPress Plugins, Responsiveness, Accessibility, WordPress eCommerce, SaaS, PayPal, WordPress Design, Scripting, CSS3 Animation, Technical Architecture, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Google Tag Manager, Technical Leadership, Healthcare IT, Localization, Plugin Development, Membership Sites, ExpressionEngine, Bootstrap 4, Instagram, Animation, Elementor, Search, Mail

Industry Expertise

Web Design

1998 - 1999

Diploma in Web Development

Praxis Training Institute - Ottawa, Canada

1995 - 1997

Diploma in Multimedia Learning Technology


1990 - 1994

Bachelor's Degree in Science
