Julian Bell, Developer in Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Julian is available for hire
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Julian Bell

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Toptal Member Since
May 13, 2017

Julian是一名拥有超过十年商业软件开发经验的全栈开发人员, including architectural design. He's extremely knowledgable about Java, Kotlin, and agile methodologies, plus he's a hard-working and fun addition to any team.


Colleagues Matrixx
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Hibernate, AWS Certificate Manager...
SemaphoreCI, KOIN, Identity Server, OpenID, Gradle, Kotlin
Onyx Services
Mockito, AssertJ, Logback, Project Lombok, HikariCP, Hibernate, Spring Data JPA...




Preferred Environment

Windows, Linux

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Java Developer

2020 - 2020
Colleagues Matrixx
  • Co-designed and implemented a non-blocking REST API using Spring Boot.
  • Implemented a 2-way TLS security setup using Amazon ACM certificates.
  • Ensured fault tolerance by integrating it with Amazon SQS.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Hibernate, AWS Certificate Manager, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Spring Boot

Kotlin Security Developer

2019 - 2020
  • Used lightweight Kotlin libraries such as Javalin and Koin.
  • Implemented user security using OpenID Connect and JWT.
  • Implemented continuous integration using GitHub and Semaphore CI.
  • Used an existing KMIP client implementation and updated it to use TLS 1.2.
技术:SemaphoreCI, KOIN,身份服务器,OpenID, Gradle, Kotlin

Senior Java Developer

2019 - 2019
Onyx Services
  • Migrated existing Java applications.
  • 对现有项目实施广泛的安全检查和其他要求的更改.
  • 在一个由三名开发人员、两名测试人员和两名Scada工程师组成的敏捷团队中工作.
  • Migrated and updated crucial applications from Western Power to AEMO.
  • 将所有应用程序更新到Java 8和最新的Spring和Spring Boot.
  • Implemented continuous integration using Bamboo.
  • 集成应用程序,使用Spring安全性和UnboundID LDAP与Active Directory进行身份验证.
  • Delivered all projects on time and budget.
Technologies: Mockito, AssertJ, Logback, Project Lombok, HikariCP, Hibernate, Spring Data JPA, Oracle, LDAP, UnboundID, Spring Security, Spring Integration, Boot, Spring, Spring 5, Bamboo, Apache Maven, Java 8

Software Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Worked in agile teams consisting of a back-end developer, a front-end developer, a QA, a BA, and a product owner.
  • 使用阻塞和非阻塞(Reactive)端点的组合开发简单的REST API Spring Boot 2后端应用程序.
  • 设计并执行一个学习管理系统,以便记录错误,理想情况下,类似项目的人不会再犯错误.
  • 共同开发了一个漏斗系统,用于记录漏斗和井的所有信息,然后使用机器学习工具进行分析.
  • 实现Java Azure AD安全库,以帮助实现OpenID连接(JWT)协议. This includes on behalf of access for BE to BE security integration.
  • Utilized the Azure Graph API for AD queries.
  • 将现有项目从Maven迁移到Gradle,并使用Azure DevOps (VSTS)管道部署到Azure.
  • 处理Azure Portal和Azure DevOps (VSTS)基础设施的DevOps请求.
Technologies: Cucumber, Apache POI, Swagger, Guava, Project Lombok, QueryDSL, Hibernate, Flyway, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, OpenID, Jackson, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, WebFlux, Boot, Spring, Spring 5, Azure DevOps, Azure, Gradle, Java 8

Software Developer

2014 - 2016
Now TV
  • 为英国设计并实施了一个代金券管理系统,该系统将很快在整个欧洲推广.
  • 在团队中为我们的采购和计费应用程序实现高并发微服务.
  • 确保使用Jenkins和Cloud Foundry轻松进行部署.
  • Implemented a working prototype of a JavaRX and a Retrofit application.
Technologies: Specs, OAuth, VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS) (Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)), ScalaTest, WireMock, REST Assured, Cucumber, Retrofit, RxJava, Swagger, Quartz, UnboundID, Flyway, MariaDB, Azure Active Directory, HATEOAS, Spring Security, Akka, spray, Spring Boot, Spring 4, Gradle, Scala, Java

Software Consultant

2013 - 2013
British Gas
  • Gathered requirements, designed, 并实现了一个为所有在线客户存储锅炉指标的解决方案.
  • 与第三方协调,使用JSON实现REST API解决方案.
  • 使用JDBC接口(Phoenix)将所有锅炉指标存储在HBase中,便于分析.
Technologies: Validation, Hibernate, Apache Tomcat, JDBC, Phoenix, Spring, Cucumber, Mockito, JUnit, Gatling, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Jenkins, JDBI, Spring Security, HBase, Jackson, Debian Packaging, Gradle, Groovy, Java

Software Consultant

2009 - 2013
Sky UK
  • 向Sky搜索引擎添加了一个API,允许所有Sky部门索引其内容以供任何团队检索.
  • 编写新的查询API,允许其他Sky团队通过Atom或RSS源访问内容(使用Rome).
  • Implemented Spring security on all existing projects.
  • 在基于关键字匹配的搜索视图中添加了HTML编辑层.
  • Added improved technologies to the existing project; such as Quartz, JAXB, Hibernate with annotations, Rome, and Mockito.
  • 为新的引导搜索项目精心设计了架构设计和实现.
  • 使用Ehcache、JGroups和Spring实现分布式缓存系统.
  • 使用Mahout从零开始开发两个不同的原型内容推荐引擎和一个用户推荐引擎.
  • 与团队合作实现所有Sky内容的元数据存储库.
  • Designed and cowrote a real-time image scaling service for Sky users.
  • Rewrote the back-end auto-suggest service.
  • 使用Spring security为我们的REST api设计并实现了一个无状态安全系统.
  • 实现了一个使用Quartz和MySQL列表分区表的自动数据归档解决方案.
Technologies: Autonomy IDOL Search, Spring, Mockito, Ant Design, Shell, Linux, MySQL, Oracle, Eclipse, jQuery, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Apache Tomcat, Jetty, Mahout, Hadoop, Memcached, JGroups, Ehcache, JAXB, Hibernate, Quartz, REST, Spring Security, Spring MVC, Jakarta EE, Java

Senior Java Developer

2008 - 2009
The Guardian
  • 作为一名软件开发人员,在一个大约50人的团队中从事一个完全敏捷的项目.
  • 在持续改进小组工作,力求提高网站的可靠性和速度.
  • Implemented with a team the blog pages.
  • Codesigned and implemented Google AdSense into the Guardian site.
Technologies: Unix Shell Scripting, Hamcrest, Mockito, JAXB, Linux, Windows XP, Ajax, JavaScript, Oracle, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat, Resin, Spring Security, Apache Velocity, Spring MVC, Spring, Ehcache, Hibernate, Jakarta EE, Java

Java Team Leader

2006 - 2007
Macquarie Bank
  • Designed and implemented a risk management (compliance) system. 它汇总了麦格理所有不同部门和地点的所有全球股票头寸.
  • 设计数据库模式、应用项目、Java体系结构. 这个应用程序的事务量很大,所以我们将Hibernate和存储过程结合起来处理批处理.
  • 与业务用户沟通,收集项目需求.
  • Acted as the technical lead in a team of 4 developers.
  • 建议重新设计麦格理租赁系统,包括远程/web服务.
Technologies: Unix Shell Scripting, Security, Web Services, Linux, Windows XP, JavaScript, Sybase, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, JDBC, Spring, Apache Struts, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Ehcache, Hibernate, Jakarta EE, Java

Senior Java Analyst/Developer

2004 - 2006
MBF (Bupa Australia)
  • 为MBF提供技术服务以支持战略计划. 这包括对新项目和现有项目的体系结构设计和需求收集.
  • 在两年多的时间里设计和实现了大量的应用程序.
  • 将应用程序和数据从遗留大型机系统转换到新的J2EE环境.
  • 使用了广泛的互补技术—例如Tibco消息传递(EMS/JMS), BusinessWorks, Optra Forms, Oracle 9i Java functions (running within Oracle), Crystal Reports, and TopLink.
  • 开发了一套零售管理系统,供澳大利亚所有MBF分支机构使用.
  • Built a real-time report printing to any branch in Australia.
  • 创建了一个新的基于j2ee的应用程序来替换现有健康保险软件的前端和后端.
Technologies: Unix Shell Scripting, Business, TIBCO, Solaris, Windows, JavaScript, Oracle9i, Eclipse, TopLink, JBoss, WebLogic, JDBC, JMS, Apache Struts, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), Jakarta EE, Java

Now TV

I designed and implemented the voucher system for Now TV.


Java, Kotlin, Java 8, JavaScript, Bash Script, Groovy, Scala, ECMAScript (ES6)


Spring, Spring Security, Hibernate, JUnit, Mockito, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, KOIN, Javalin, Ant Design, Apache Velocity, Apache Struts, Spring 4, Spring 5, Spring Integration, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Hadoop, Phoenix, Swagger, Akka, Bulma, WebFlux


REST APIs, Quartz, Jackson, Joda-Time, HikariCP, AssertJ, jQuery, Autonomy IDOL Search, JDBC, JMS, TopLink, OpenID, QueryDSL, Guava, Apache POI, Selenium WebDriver, Mahout, JGroups, JAXB, JDBI, spray, RxJava, Retrofit, Vue


Gradle, Cucumber, Jenkins, Flyway, Jetty, Apache Tomcat, Shell, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Apache Maven, Bamboo, SemaphoreCI, REST Assured, WireMock, ScalaTest, Gatling, RPM, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Apache Ant


Microservices, Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Pair Programming, REST, Azure DevOps


Azure, Windows, Jakarta EE, Eclipse, Oracle, Windows XP, WebSphere, JBoss, Solaris, VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS) (Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Linux, UnboundID, Oracle Database


Spring Data, MySQL/MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle9i, MariaDB, Spring Data JPA, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Azure Active Directory, Sybase, Memcached, HBase, H2


KMIP, Resin, Hamcrest, Unix Shell Scripting, WebLogic, Web Services, Security, TIBCO, Business, Debian Packaging, Validation, AWS Certificate Manager, Boot, Project Lombok, LDAP, Logback, Identity Server, Ajax, Ehcache, Specs, OAuth, HATEOAS, Cloud Foundry, Axios, Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

1997 - 2000

Bachelor's Degree in Computer and Mathematical Sciences

University of Western Australia - Perth, Australia

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