Marko Perutović, Developer in Split, Croatia
Marko is available for hire
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Marko Perutović

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Split, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
January 14, 2015

Marko is a skilled software developer with over thirteen years of experience with different challenges and types of technologies. "Spartan: keep it short and simple" is his approach to problems where possible. He is also an excellent communicator, with extensive experience in team leadership and successful interactions with customers.



Preferred Environment

Flutter, iOS, Android

The most amazing...

...calculation I've made was of a conduction radiation field with given TE and TM polarization.

Work Experience

Owner and Lead Developer

2015 - PRESENT
Digital Nomad d.o.o.
  • Designed and developed the Ever-Cloud startup, a next-generation communication and collaboration tool.
  • Wrote an application server managing subject/object relations in C++ Qt.
  • Built a cross-platform (Windows, OS X, Linux) client in Qt.
  • Implemented SIP and XMPP.
  • Integrated platform-dependent contacts, email, and documents.
Technologies: iOS, Android, Qt


2006 - 2014
Helix Business Soft d.o.o.
  • Developed project control software.
  • Built an online collaboration tool.
  • Created private cloud solutions.
  • Wrote an iOS rich text email client.
  • Developed front- and back-end apps for in-house solutions.
Technologies: iOS, Android, Qt


2003 - 2006
PIS d.o.o.
  • Contributed programming and development to a major Croatian ERP system.
  • Generated report and input masks.
  • Provided customer support and on-site installation and support.
  • Provided customer support and on-site installation and support.
  • Administered Linux systems.
  • Maintained Firebird and Informix databases.
Technologies: IBM Informix, Firebird, Linux

Uplift Groups
An Android app for group support that incorporates dynamic linking. The app is based in Flutter and Firebase/Firestore and built using the bloc pattern.

Ninja Number Android
An app with an AI that sets up your phone number based on your preferences. It also analyzes call histories and makes recommendations for improvements to communication with customers and leads.

Ninja Number iOS

An app with an AI that sets up your phone number based on your preferences. It also analyzes call histories and makes recommendations for improvements to communication with customers and leads.

Voice Nation iOS
VoiceNation's app for managing calls, messages, and leads, built on Flutter with Bloc architecture and using the same codebase as Ninja Number.

Voice Nation Android
VoiceNation's app for managing calls, messages, and leads, built on Flutter with Bloc architecture and using the same codebase as Ninja Number.

Rivetz Authenticator
An authenticator service that stores private keys.


An end to end encrypted messenger. Messages are encrypted on sender devices and decrypted on receivers. They are stored locally and can be deleted from both devices by the user.

Encryption is done by the receiver key, which changes periodically, making Flashpaper one of the most secure messengers on the market.


The simplest point of sale (POS) Android app for the Croatian market. Marketing and sales are done by Tele2, one of the largest European mobile service providers. Developed from scratch, both the back-end and the Android app.

PTK SAS Android Warehouse App
Android development for a warehouse application.

Inca Mail 4
Consulted and programmed for Swiss Post Solutions mailing iOS app.

Telenor for Asseco Group
Banking app for Telenor Serbia. Part-time work on some modules in it.

Professional Property Calculator - Android

App developed for Tverin Realestate, Ltd., for the real estate investment calculator developed for professional property investors, sourcing agents, real estate brokers, and developers.

Sokrates Communicator

An online collaboration tool.

A private cloud solution.


Vue, jQuery, React


WordPress, Android, Linux, iOS


Kotlin, Dart, Objective-C, C++, Java, HTML, JavaScript


Flutter, Qt


Android Studio, Xcode, Microsoft Visual Studio, Appcelerator Titanium


Firebird, IBM Informix, Firebase Realtime Database, MySQL


Web Development

1995 - 2002

Master of Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering, Communication Technologies

Faculty of Science in Electrical Engineering - Split, Croatia