Robert Lehmann,德国柏林的开发者
Robert is available for hire
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Robert Lehmann

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Berlin, Germany
Toptal Member Since
September 13, 2022

Robert is a passionate gamer, 经验丰富的工程总监, 拥有10年以上的专业经验和游戏设计学士学位的区块链爱好者. 他在Unity3D中开发了两款价值数百万美元的游戏, 在Google Play和App Store发布了《欧博体育app下载》和《欧博体育app下载》, 下载量超过2500万的游戏. Robert还在不同的区块链上开发了独特的智能合约和dapp.



Preferred Environment

Unity, React, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Gaming, Unity3D, Virtual Reality (VR), Unity SDK, Technical Design, Technical Architecture, Payment APIs, CTO, Full-stack, Firebase, Mobile Development, Analytics, Google Analytics, Python, C#, .NET, Bots, Discord Bots, Telegram Bots, AWS Lambda, WebGL, MMORPGs, Serverless, Back-end, Source Code Review, Code Review, AWS Cloud Architecture, 3D Games, C++, Games, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Web Security, Web Scraping, Unity2D, Mobile Games, Unity3D原生插件接口, JSON, DevOps, Mobile Apps, 2D, WebView, User Authentication, Cryptocurrency Wallets, MetaMask, Blockchain, API Integration, Integration, C#.NET, Lambda Functions, Game Development, Gameplay Development, Mobile App Development, Google Play Store, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Smart Contracts, RPG, Gamification, Mathematics, 跨平台应用开发, Vercel, Rust, Crypto, Apache Kafka, OpenAI GPT-3 API, OpenAI GPT-4 API, OpenAI, ChatGPT, Character Rigging

The most amazing...

...我开发了麻将城之旅, 这是一款在Google Play和App Store下载量超过2500万次的手机游戏.

Work Experience


2016 - 2022
Jam City
  • 在Unity3D中构建了麻将城市旅游和纸牌秀时间的客户端应用程序, 包括本地级需求, 比如广告和手机通知.
  • 在AWS (Lambdas)中作为无服务器应用程序开发了麻将城市旅游和纸牌Showtime的后端, DynamoDB, etc.)与Firebase等其他服务相结合.
  • 为柏林工作室建立整体管道, 包括每个合并的Git补丁集的自动客户端构建,以及用于测试用户的发行版,以及工程师使用AWS CloudFormation部署个人后端的简单界面.
  • 识别并修复了前端和后端的内存泄漏.Js),以减少面向用户的问题,并降低服务的整体成本.
  • 为LiveOps开发内部解决方案, 包括一个易于使用的PM界面和方便的方式,为艺术家部署按需资产到LiveOps管道供以后使用, such as offers.
  • 构建分析跟踪机制和仪表板,使用Databricks和SQL分析任何产品的整体性能.
  • Implemented 3D Secure 2.为万事达卡提供0认证,以提高网上交易的安全性,并符合行业标准.
  • 监督客户端(移动应用程序)进行交易的分离系统. 获取每个HTTPS请求的挑战数据并将其发送到我们的后端以进行进一步验证, 我们在哪里用3D安全供应商的数据进行了检查.
  • 实现各种Visa api,如Visa Payments Processing api,支持移动和web应用程序的直接信用卡支付.
  • 确保无缝过渡作为一个熟练的玛雅到unity动画管道. 我在Unity动画系统方面的深厚专业知识集中在角色动画上, enhancing gameplay realism.
Technologies: c#、JavaScript、Unity、CI/CD管道、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、SaaS, Architecture, SQL, Photon, Gaming, Unity3D, Virtual Reality (VR), .. NET Core, Azure, iOS, Android, HTML, CSS, Node.js, MongoDB, APIs, Swagger, User Interface (UI), Unity SDK, Technical Design, Technical Architecture, React, Figma, CTO, Full-stack, Firebase, TypeScript, Swift, Mobile Development, Objective-C, Analytics, Google Analytics, Heatmaps, NoSQL, Database Design, Databases, .NET, Front-end, Next.js, Bots, Discord Bots, Telegram Bots, Memory Leaks, Proof of Concept (POC), AWS Lambda, Webhooks, WebGL, MMORPGs, Networking, Serverless, Back-end, OAuth 2, OAuth, Security, Source Code Review, Code Review, Project Consultancy, PHP, MySQL, AWS Cloud Architecture, Augmented Reality (AR), ARKit, LiDAR, Back-end Architecture, ASP.NET MVC, 3D Games, C++, Games, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Web Security, Web Scraping, Unity2D, Mobile Games, Unity3D原生插件接口, JSON, Zapier, Python, DevOps, Data Visualization, Charts, Interactive Maps, Interactive UI, Remix IDE, Firebase Realtime Database, Mobile Apps, React Native, Scrum, Payment Gateways, Express.js, Sass, Live Chat, 2D, Mobile, WebView, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), User Authentication, REST, Amazon RDS, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon CloudFront CDN, jQuery, Headless Software, Virtual DOM, Cryptocurrency Wallets, MetaMask, Blockchain, API Integration, Integration, Leadership, SQL Anywhere, SAP, C#.NET, Team Leadership, Lambda Functions, Exports, MERN Stack, Technical Leadership, Mobile Game Development, Software Architecture, REST APIs, Cron, CSV, Company Databases, Calendars, Smart Homes, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Google Calendar API, Smart Devices, Material UI, Kotlin, Unreal Development Kit (UDK), Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine 5, Game Development, Gameplay Development, Decision Trees, Twilio API, Lottie, HTML5, GraphQL, AWS Amplify, Amazon Cognito, Flutter, NestJS, DataRobot, Snowflake, PostgreSQL, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cross-platform, Internet of Things (IoT), Responsive Web Apps, Adaptive Design, Web Design, SSL Certificates, Cloud Firestore, Angular, Ethereum, Google Cloud, BigQuery, Mobile App Development, Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheets, Apple Numbers, Multiplayer, Microsoft Visual Studio, Web Development, Design, WebRTC, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Discord, Desktop App Development, Windows Desktop Software, Android SDK, Java, Model View Viewmodel (MVVM), Gradle, Google Play Store, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Smart Contracts, Data Analysis, Web 3.0、GitHub、Firebase云功能、前端开发、ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Reverse Engineering, Software Design, Scalable Architecture, PixiJS, Back-end Development, 3D Rendering, 3D, Django, Groovy, Responsive Layout, Grails, Amazon EC2, Redis Cache, WebSockets, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS IoT, .NET MAUI, Blueprint, RPG, Mobile UX, 对象关系映射(ORM), iOS SDK, Mobile App Design, Git, Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Experience (UX), Cryptocurrency, Laravel, SDKs, Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, Tailwind CSS, Dart, Axios, OpenAPI, Redux, Postman, Application Engineering, Vue, Gamification, XML, Card Payments, 3D Secure, 3D Secure 2.0, Authentication, 近场通信(NFC), Bluetooth LE, Secure Storage, Joomla, IIS SQL Server, Visual Basic, Azure SQL Databases, Mathematics, C++/CX, Chrome Extensions, Casino Games, ECMAScript (ES6), GPT, 自然语言处理(NLP), 生成预训练变压器(GPT), 自然语言理解(NLU), Dialogflow, 跨平台应用开发, UI Components, Jest, Single Sign-on (SSO), D3.js, Social APIs, Graph Databases, Amazon Neptune, Web UI, Chatbots, Accessibility, Location Services, Mobile Architecture, Audio, Video Streaming, Data Architecture, Data Integration, Microservices, Cloud Architecture, Amazon API Gateway, AWS IAM, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Mobile Game Design, Android Game Development, Chart.js, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Crypto, Plaid, Plaid API, Jira, Confluence, Algorithms, Twitter API, Database Architecture, Agile, Data Structures, Agile Software Development, Online Payments, Web Platforms, Elasticsearch, MEAN Stack, Azure SQL, Azure Functions, Unit Testing, Apollo, SVG, Bootstrap, Amazon ElastiCache, AWS简单通知服务(SNS), gRPC, Azure Data Lake, Azure Queue, AWS Fargate, Data Engineering, ETL, PlayFab, Unity Game Assets, Photon Unity Networking (PUN), In-app Purchases, Cloud, Microsoft, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Early-stage Startups, Game AI, Slack App, Slackbot, Docker, Svelte, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon Cognito User Pools, AWS AppSync, Google Sheets, Test-driven Development (TDD), Full-stack Development, LangChain, Server Security, Shopify API, Redis, Google AppSheet, Data Analytics, 360° Video, Photogrammetry, State Machines, Character Animation, Puppet, Oculus, VR Interfaces, QA Testing, OpenAI, ChatGPT, Video Gaming, Autodesk FBX SDK, Maya, Character Rigging, Distributed Systems, Asynchronous Programming, Requirements Analysis, Azure Cloud Services, Terraform, Go, Web UX, Redux Toolkit, WordPress, Project Management, Workflow Automation

Mahjong City Tours
这是一款在Google Play和App Store上获得数百万美元收益的游戏. 作为工程总监, 我领导了一个由几名工程师组成的有能力的团队,并亲自开发了大部分客户端, back end, 以及项目的相关管道.

Solitaire Showtime
这是一款在Google Play和App Store上获得数百万美元收益的游戏. 作为工程总监, 我领导了一个由几名工程师组成的有能力的团队,并亲自开发了大部分客户端, back end, 以及项目的相关管道.

Equity Token

股权仪表板提供了方便, 用户友好的选项来查看或更改基于连接钱包的合同相关数据.

Vault是一种服务,可以让用户轻松安全地将他们的代币存放在一个特殊的智能合约中. 可以选择添加多用户身份验证,并且取款是免费的. 开发人员可以安全地利用它来管理流动性池,并将它们移动到不同的对,而无需从安全端点释放它们.


c#, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Swift, Python, PHP, c#.NET, Kotlin, HTML5, Java, Groovy, RPG, XML, ECMAScript (ES6), Objective-C, C++, Sass, GraphQL, Snowflake, Dart, Visual Basic, C++/CX, Solidity, Go, Rust


Unity, Unity3D, .NET Core, .NET, Next.js, ASP.NET MVC, Unity2D, React Native, Express.. js, Material UI, Flutter, NestJS, Angular, Android SDK, ASP . js.NET, ASP.NET Core, PixiJS, iOS SDK, Photon Unity Networking (PUN), Photon, Swagger, OAuth 2, ARKit, Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine 4, Django, Grails, Blueprint, Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Jest, gRPC, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Bootstrap, Svelte


React, Node.js、WebGL、REST API、Google Calendar API、AWS Amplify、D3.. js、Social API、Exchange API、jQuery、Twilio API、WebRTC、Web3.. js, Binance API, OpenAPI, Vue, Chart.Plaid API, Twitter API, Shopify API


Unity SDK, Figma, Google Analytics, WebView, Amazon CloudFront CDN, MetaMask, Cron, Amazon Cognito, Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheets, Microsoft Visual Studio, Gradle, GitHub, Amazon CloudWatch, Git, AWS IAM, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Jira, Confluence, Amazon ElastiCache, AWS简单通知服务(SNS), AWS Fargate, PlayFab, AWS CloudFormation, Google Sheets, Remix IDE, Google Assistant, Unreal Development Kit (UDK), DataRobot, BigQuery, Postman, Dialogflow, Amazon SageMaker, Plaid, AWS AppSync, Puppet, Terraform, Zapier, Autodesk FBX SDK, Maya


Serverless Architecture, Mobile Development, Database Design, Back-end Architecture, DevOps, Scrum, REST, Cross-platform, Model View Viewmodel (MVVM), Responsive Layout, 对象关系映射(ORM), Mobile App Design, Gamification, Microservices, Mobile Game Design, Agile, Agile Software Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), Asynchronous Programming, Requirements Analysis, Desktop App Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD), MEAN Stack, Unit Testing, ETL


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, iOS, Android, Firebase, AWS Lambda, Mobile, Blockchain, Ethereum, Amazon EC2, Windows, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure Functions, Microsoft, Google AppSheet, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon Alexa, AWS IoT, Xbox, PlayStation, Bluetooth LE, Joomla, Docker, Oculus, WordPress, Vercel, Apache Kafka


MongoDB, NoSQL, Databases, MySQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JSON, PostgreSQL, Cloud Firestore, Redis Cache, Azure SQL Databases, Graph Databases, Database Architecture, Azure SQL, Azure Queue, Redis, Azure Cloud Services, Firebase Realtime Database, Company Databases, Google Cloud, IIS SQL Server, Data Integration, Elasticsearch, SQL Anywhere

Industry Expertise



Programming, Game Design, Computer Science, CI/CD Pipelines, Architecture, Gaming, APIs, User Interface (UI), Technical Design, Technical Architecture, CTO, Full-stack, Analytics, Front-end, Memory Leaks, Proof of Concept (POC), Serverless, Back-end, Security, Source Code Review, Code Review, Project Consultancy, AWS Cloud Architecture, AWS Certified Developer, 3D Games, Games, Web Security, Mobile Games, Unity3D原生插件接口, Data Visualization, Interactive UI, Mobile Apps, 2D, User Authentication, Amazon RDS, Headless Software, Virtual DOM, Cryptocurrency Wallets, API Integration, Integration, Leadership, Team Leadership, Lambda Functions, Exports, MERN Stack, Technical Leadership, Mobile Game Development, Software Architecture, CSV, Calendars, Smart Homes, Smart Devices, Game Development, Gameplay Development, Adaptive Design, Mobile App Development, Apple Numbers, Web Development, Design, Discord, Google Play Store, Smart Contracts, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Firebase Cloud Functions, Front-end Development, Reverse Engineering, Software Design, Scalable Architecture, Back-end Development, 3D Rendering, 3D, .NET MAUI, Mobile UX, User Experience (UX), SDKs, Application Engineering, Authentication, Cryptography, Decentralized Applications, Mathematics, Casino Games, 跨平台应用开发, UI Components, Single Sign-on (SSO), Amazon Neptune, Web UI, Chatbots, Mobile Architecture, Data Architecture, Cloud Architecture, Amazon API Gateway, Android Game Development, Crypto, Algorithms, Data Structures, Trading, Azure Data Lake, Data Engineering, Unity Game Assets, In-app Purchases, Cloud, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Early-stage Startups, Game AI, Slack App, Slackbot, Amazon Cognito User Pools, Full-stack Development, State Machines, Character Animation, Video Gaming, Distributed Systems, Scalability, IT Infrastructure, SaaS, Virtual Reality (VR), Heatmaps, Bots, Discord Bots, Telegram Bots, Webhooks, MMORPGs, Networking, OAuth, Augmented Reality (AR), LiDAR, Web Scraping, Charts, Interactive Maps, Payment Gateways, Live Chat, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), Unreal Engine 5, Decision Trees, Lottie, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Responsive Web Apps, SSL Certificates, Multiplayer, Windows Desktop Software, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Data Analysis, Web 3.0, Tokenomics, WebSockets,加密货币,Axios,卡支付,3D安全,3D安全.0, 近场通信(NFC), Secure Storage, Chrome Extensions, 自然语言处理(NLP), 自然语言理解(NLU), GPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Accessibility, Location Services, Audio, Online Payments, Web Platforms, SVG, OpenAI GPT-3 API, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Server Security, WebAuth, 安全多方计算, Data Analytics, 360° Video, Photogrammetry, VR Interfaces, QA Testing, OpenAI, ChatGPT, Visual Effects (VFX), Character Rigging, Web UX, Redux Toolkit, Workflow Automation, Payment APIs, SAP, Video Streaming, Apollo, LangChain

2012 - 2015



