Sergio Antonio Milici, Developer in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sergio is available for hire
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Sergio Antonio Milici

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Development Developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Toptal Member Since
May 20, 2014

Sergio是一名软件工程师,具有为复杂问题开发可扩展且高效的解决方案的才能. 他对设计流程有全面的了解,在产品的所有设计阶段都有经验, including research, development, scalability, and testing.


React, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, api, REST api, CSS-in- js, Cypress, Jest, Docker...
Sass, TypeScript, Angular, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, NgRx, NgRx/store, Redux, RxJS...
Social Camping
Bootstrap, Firebase, Angular, Express.js, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, HTML...




Preferred Environment

Web, iOS, Android, Ionic, Angular, React, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, TypeScript, Full-stack, APIs, Mobile, Cross-platform, Full-stack Development, Mobile Apps, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), GitHub, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web Development, MERN Stack, API Integration, Front-end Development, Tailwind CSS, Web UX, Ant Design, Amazon DynamoDB, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, REST, Single Sign-on (SSO), Responsive Layout, SCSS, UI Components, GraphQL, UI Testing, SQL, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth 2, UI Libraries, Component Libraries, Front-end Architecture, Software Engineering, Web API, JavaScript 6, Firebase Realtime Database, Leadership, Agile, Consulting, Figma, Microsoft Teams, Slack App, JSON, Algorithms, CI/CD Pipelines, Websites, WebSockets, Forms

The most amazing...


Work Experience

React Developer

2020 - 2022
  • 成功实施公司首个MVP项目,获得资金.
  • Set up, designed, and implemented the front-end official project; also supported the design system implementation and project architecture.
  • 与Toptal其他员工合作,领导UI项目,创建当前所有公司客户使用的前端项目.
  • 设置并维护GitHub Actions作为持续集成(CI),以便在每个拉取请求上运行构建过程, 包括为运行单元测试设置整个测试环境, end-to-end tests, error reporting, and builds.
Technologies: React, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, api, REST api, CSS-in- js, Cypress, Jest, Docker, TypeScript, Next.js, AWS Lambda, GitHub, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Styled-components, Web Development, Responsive Web Apps, Storybook, API Integration, Front-end Development, Ant Design, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, REST, Single Sign-on (SSO), Responsive Layout, SCSS, UI Components, UI Testing, SQL, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth 2, UI Libraries, Component Libraries, Front-end Architecture, Software Engineering, Web API, JavaScript 6, Leadership, Agile, Consulting, MobX, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Web Design, Web, Figma, JSON, Algorithms, CI/CD Pipelines, Design, Websites, Forms

Senior Front-end Software Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • 创建了一个拖放网格系统,从一组可调整大小的图表构建自定义仪表板,允许用户修改仪表板上的位置.
  • Improved user navigation experience reducing page load by 40%.
  • Designed multiple UI filters to be used across apps.
  • 通过修复内部算法在UI中处理+5000个任务,改进了应用程序的响应性.
Technologies: Sass, TypeScript, Angular, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, NgRx, NgRx/store, Redux, RxJS, Functional Reactive Programming, APIs, Mobile Apps, Test-driven Development (TDD), GitHub, Web Development, Responsive Web Apps, AG Grid, API Integration, Front-end Development, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, CSV, REST, Single Sign-on (SSO), Responsive Layout, SCSS, UI Components, UI Testing, SQL, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth 2, UI Libraries, Front-end Architecture, Software Engineering, Web API, JavaScript 6, Firebase Realtime Database, Leadership, Agile, Consulting, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Web, Figma, JSON, Algorithms, Design, WebSockets, Forms

Senior Full-stack Software Engineer

2019 - 2019
Social Camping
  • Set up the back end with Node.js, Express, and Firestore to manage the user's assets.
  • 集成Firebase认证,允许用户登录谷歌,Facebook和电子邮件和密码.
  • 用Angular和Bootstrap创建前端项目,实现一个CRUD,允许用户管理他们的露营资产.
  • 实现Figma设计,创建可重用的UI系统组件.
Technologies: Bootstrap, Firebase, Angular, Express.js, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, TypeScript, Redux, Full-stack, APIs, Full-stack Development, Ionic, GitHub, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Web Development, Responsive Web Apps, Storybook, API Integration, Front-end Development, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, CSV, Electron, REST, Single Sign-on (SSO), Responsive Layout, SCSS, MUI (Material UI), UI Components, GraphQL, UI Testing, SQL, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Auth0, OAuth 2, UI Libraries, Front-end Architecture, PWA, Software Engineering, Web API, JavaScript 6, Firebase Realtime Database, Agile, User Experience (UX), Web, Figma, JSON, Design, Websites, WebSockets, Forms, Canvas

Senior Software Enginner

2016 - 2018
  • 用AngularJS构建了Qwil的web应用程序的第一个发布产品.
  • Migrated and rebuilt the web application in the React ecosystem.
  • 与首席产品设计师一起创建UI组件以构建Qwil的设计系统.
  • 减少了90%的web应用程序加载时间,实现了延迟加载组件.
  • 搭建并实施标准化的多环境端到端测试平台,采用Docker和Nightwatch,确保软件发布质量.
  • 实施单元测试以改进全公司采用的开发过程, which resulted in reducing bugs by 50%.
技术:Enzyme, Jest, Sass, Babel, Webpack, Flow, React, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, TypeScript, Angular, Redux, RxJS, Architecture, Full-stack, APIs, Mobile, Cross-platform, Financial APIs, Mobile Apps, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Test-driven Development (TDD), AWS Lambda, GitHub, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Responsive Web Apps, Storybook, API Integration, Front-end Development, Tailwind CSS, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, CSV, REST, Responsive Layout, SCSS, UI Components, GraphQL, UI Testing, SQL, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth 2, UI Libraries, Front-end Architecture, Software Engineering, Web API, JavaScript 6, Agile, GitLab, Consulting, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Web Design, Web, Figma, JSON, Algorithms, CI/CD Pipelines, Websites, WebSockets, Forms

Mobile Engineer

2015 - 2015
  • 使用Ionic为Android和iOS从零开始创建了一个混合HTML5移动应用程序.
  • 按照设计模式和最佳实践,用JavaScript设计和实现业务逻辑.
  • 使用TestFlight和谷歌Play将构建部署到Android和iOS的生产环境中.
  • 集成了本地插件,如地理定位,联系人和键盘.
  • Integrated Facebook native login and Google Maps API.
Technologies: JavaScript, Sass, Ionic, AngularJS, CSS, HTML, Angular, Redux, Full-stack, APIs, Mobile, Cross-platform, Full-stack Development, Mobile Apps, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), GitHub, API Integration, Front-end Development, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, REST, Single Sign-on (SSO), Responsive Layout, SCSS, UI Components, UI Testing, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Auth0, OAuth 2, UI Libraries, Software Engineering, Web API, JavaScript 6, Firebase Realtime Database, Web, JSON, Websites, Forms

Front-end Software Engineer

2015 - 2015
Kimono (via Topta)
  • Redesigned chat workflow for sending and receiving messages.
  • 使用Ionic框架创建应用程序的移动版本.
  • Refactored and designed the OOP model to be maintainable.
  • Implemented Algolia search API to show custom and fast results.
  • Improved performance of startup of the mobile version and UX.
技术:JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, iOS, Android, Cordova, Ionic, AngularJS, Node.js, HTML, TypeScript, Angular, CSS, APIs, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), GitHub, Web Development, API Integration, Front-end Development, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, Single Sign-on (SSO), Responsive Layout, UI Components, SQL, Software Engineering, Web API, Web, JSON, Forms

Java DevOps Consultant

2014 - 2014
  • Converted five existing Java projects to Maven projects.
  • 设计并实现了一个配置模块,使用Typesafe Config支持多种环境.
  • 在Jenkins上设置自动构建并与GitHub集成.
Technologies: Jenkins, Apache Maven, Java, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, APIs, GitHub, Web Development, API Integration, Front-end Development, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, REST, SQL, OAuth 2, Software Engineering, JavaScript 6, Web, JSON, Forms

Software Engineer

2012 - 2014
  • 为Facebook游戏的广告定位系统创建后端服务器.
  • 开发基于游戏状态的广告JavaScript库.
  • 设计一个基于HTML5的实时度量系统,用于显示用户转化率.
  • Created a Java back-end server for a Space Pirates game. Integrated it with Android and Facebook.
  • 管理AWS以支持所有系统,包括处理数据库、故障转移和性能.
技术:Redis, MySQL, JavaScript, Spring, Jasmine, PHPUnit, JUnit, PHP, Python, Java, Node.js, HTML, Angular, React, Redux, Architecture, CSS, Full-stack, APIs, Full-stack Development, Mobile Apps, GitHub, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web Development, API Integration, Front-end Development, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, REST, Single Sign-on (SSO), SQL, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth 2, Software Engineering, Web API, JavaScript 6, Web, JSON, WebSockets, Forms

Software Engineering Tech Lead

2009 - 2012
  • 创建了一个多平台客户机-服务器应用程序来控制整个网络上的硬件和软件更改.
  • Developed a multi-platform client application in C++.
  • 实现高并发性以处理数千台计算机上的所有更改.
  • Managed the team and development to deliver new features.
  • Made the back-end to scale and processed vast amounts of data.
Technologies: Java, PHPUnit, Jenkins, Memcached, MySQL, HTML5, PHP, C++, HTML, CSS, Full-stack, APIs, Cross-platform, Full-stack Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Test-driven Development (TDD), GitHub, Web Development, API Integration, Front-end Development, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, REST, SCSS, SQL, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth 2, Software Engineering, Web API, JavaScript 6, Web, JSON, Forms

C++ Developer

2006 - 2009
  • Designed a stock system to control all company assets.
  • Designed and implemented an MFC UI application from scratch.
  • Analyzed and designed MySQL schema for handling store and sales.
  • Created an installer and deployment tool for control updates.
  • 设计并实现了商店系统向web平台的迁移.
Technologies: Web, Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC), MySQL, C++, HTML, CSS, Full-stack, APIs, Full-stack Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), GitHub, Web Development, API Integration, Git, Web Applications, Unit Testing, REST, SQL, Software Engineering, Web API

InvGate Assets
I designed it from the very start, 包括创建和部署软件以及处理计量, inventory, and change management modules.

Space Pirates

《欧博体育app下载》是一款基于Unity3D的Android和iOS手机游戏. 我使用Netty和Spring设计后端服务器来处理数千个并发用户.


BEE是专门为50Cubes游戏设计的在线广告服务器. 它是定制的,可以让我们灵活地优化各种游戏中的广告.
It was made on PHP, MySQL, Redis, HTML5, JavaScript, and Python.



Restaurant Credits


If interested, please request a demo account.


HTML, CSS3, TypeScript, ES7, Sass, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, JavaScript, SQL, GraphQL, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript 6, PHP, Xtend, Java, C++, Python, C


Angular, Redux, Jasmine, Ionic, AngularJS, Ant Design, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Selenium, Bootstrap, Express.js、Jest、顺风CSS、Electron、MUI (Material UI)、OAuth 2、Next.js, PHPUnit, JUnit, Spring, Cypress


React, RxJS, NgRx,谷歌Maps, Facebook API, REST API, Web API, Node.js, MobX, Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC), Socket.IO, Twitter API, YouTube API, jQuery, NgRx/store, Firebase Web SDK, AG Grid, Backbone.js


Apache Maven, Webpack 4, SAP Hybris, GitHub, Webpack, Babel, Grunt, Karma, NPM, Git, Flow, Auth0, GitLab, Canvas, Jenkins, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Google Analytics, Subversion (SVN), Figma, Microsoft Teams


Test-driven Development (TDD), Object-oriented Design (OOD), Cross-platform, Unit Testing, REST, Functional Reactive Programming, Model View Viewmodel (MVVM), Model View Controller (MVC), Web Performance Optimization (WPO), Responsive Layout, Agile, Reactive Programming


Web, Mobile, MacOS, Firebase, Windows, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Android, iOS, Docker, AWS Lambda


NoSQL, Firebase Realtime Database, JSON, MongoDB, Redis, MySQL, Memcached, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon DynamoDB


Freelancing, Single-page Applications (SPA), Cordova, Hybrid Apps, Front-end Development, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Front-end, Full-stack, APIs, Mobile Apps, Styled-components, Web Development, API Integration, Web Applications, CSV, Single Sign-on (SSO), UI Components, UI Testing, UI Libraries, Component Libraries, Front-end Architecture, Software Engineering, Websites, Forms, Capacitor, SaaS, System Administration, Open Source, Architecture, Apps, Web Components, Enzyme, Full-stack Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Responsive Web Apps, Storybook, MERN Stack, Chrome Extensions, Vite, PWA, Leadership, Consulting, Slack App, Algorithms, CI/CD Pipelines, WebSockets, Financial APIs, CSS-in-JS, Firebase Hosting, Web UX, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Design

Industry Expertise

Web Design

2005 - 2012

Master of Engineering Degree in Information Systems Engineering

National Technological University - Buenos Aires, Argentina