Tetyana Loskutova博士,加拿大汉密尔顿的开发人员
Tetyana is available for hire
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Tetyana Loskutova, PhD

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Data Scientist and Developer

Hamilton, Canada
Toptal Member Since
June 17, 2022

Tetyana是一位技术企业家,致力于在创建新软件解决方案或改造旧软件解决方案时为客户提供端到端的服务. 她完成的一些项目包括财务和会计系统, ML-powered systems for NLP, forecasting, and anomaly detection. Tetyana为多个国家和不同行业的客户工作过, such as energy, government, education, and biotechnology.


Python 3,深度学习,Django, JavaScript, Scikit-learn,数据库,R...
Pivotal Consulting Group, LLC
Python 3, Scikit-learn, Django, GraphQL, Azure ML Studio, Databricks, Spark...




Preferred Environment

Python 3, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Machine Learning, Python, Financial Modeling, Language Models, BERT, Document Parsing

The most amazing...


Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
  • 开发了短期市场预测系统. 该系统通过公司网站上的在线仪表板跟踪业绩. 市场预测系统也可通过API提供免费和付费选项.
  • :. http://rapidapi.com/remote-works-default/api/media-obsessed-market/.
  • Became a top ML tutor in the Greater Toronto area.
  • 在一年多的时间里,帮助超过50个客户完成了中小型项目.
Technologies: Python 3,深度学习,Django, JavaScript, Scikit-learn,数据库,R, TensorFlow, Reinforcement Learning, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Natural Language Processing (NLP), AWS Fargate, MongoDB, Linux, Data Science, Statistical Analysis, Decision Modeling, eCommerce, PyTorch, Machine Learning, NoSQL, Docker, Python, Amazon SageMaker, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Financial Data, Financial Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Text Analytics, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Jupyter, Amazon DynamoDB, Lambda Functions, Convolutional Neural Networks, Object Detection, Keras, Cloud Infrastructure, Large Language Models (LLMs), Business to Business (B2B), B2B, Marketing Mix Modeling, Marketing Attribution, BigQuery, Google Analytics, Full-stack, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Computer Vision, Social Media, Social Media APIs, Architecture, Language Models, PDF, BERT, Document Parsing, Deep Neural Networks, NLU, Test-driven Development (TDD), Market Research, Data Analytics, Data Analysis, Market Research & 分析、REST api、领导力、CTO、谷歌云数据存储、谷歌云、OCR、AWS Lambda

Data Scientist

2023 - 2023
Pivotal Consulting Group, LLC
  • 针对PCG客户的营销活动开发了多个多渠道归因模型. 该模型基于马尔可夫链过程, first and last touch attribution, and linear attribution modeling.
  • 开发用于管理PCG客户端的API应用程序, auto-generating pixels, enabling and disabling client websites, and channel tracking. 我的职责包括在Cloud Run上设计、架构和全面实现Django应用程序.
  • 管理谷歌云平台和数据库,为客户端建模收集数据.
  • 协助前端开发人员了解需求和前端实现.
  • 每天自动进行模型计算,以提高API的响应能力.
  • 实现了异步管理客户点击数据的队列和调度.
Technologies: Python,机器学习,营销归因,企业对企业(B2B), B2B, Data Science, Marketing Mix Modeling, Attribution Modeling, JavaScript, Google Analytics, Salesforce API, BigQuery

Machine Learning Manager

2019 - 2020
  • Recruited and coached a team of ML engineers. 我从零开始组建了一个团队,完成了一个预测项目, content recommendation system, and fraud detection system.
  • 在我的团队中实现了敏捷开发过程, 这对我们部门的其他团队起到了榜样作用.
  • 在全公司建立利益相关者合作关系. 我领导过跨部门的数据科学和机器学习项目.
Technologies: Python 3, Scikit-learn, Django, GraphQL, Azure ML Studio, Databricks, Spark, Databases, Reinforcement Learning, Linux, Data Science, Statistical Analysis, Decision Modeling, Machine Learning, Docker, Python, Amazon SageMaker, Financial Data, Financial Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Text Analytics, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Jupyter, Convolutional Neural Networks, Keras, Cloud Infrastructure, Azure, Marketing Mix Modeling, Marketing Attribution, Full-stack, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Social Media, Social Media APIs, Architecture, Language Models, PDF, Document Parsing, Deep Neural Networks, NLU, Test-driven Development (TDD), Data Analytics, Data Analysis, Kubernetes, REST APIs, Leadership, Chatbots, AWS Lambda

Chief Data Scientist | Founder

2018 - 2019
Futuresgroup NL
  • 设计并实施国际贸易跟踪系统. 该系统对大量数据进行处理和协调,以分析和预测国际贸易和政治局势的变化.
  • Researched, designed, 并开发了国际投资风险和机会分析仪表板. 该系统基于结构化和非结构化数据, including news, collected from various sources.
  • 在我的团队中实现了敏捷开发过程.
Technologies: Python 3, SpaCy, Dash, Tableau, MongoDB, Linux, Databases, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), GPT, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Django, Scikit-learn, Data Science, Statistical Analysis, Decision Modeling, Machine Learning, NoSQL, Docker, Python, Modeling, Financial Data, Financial Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Text Analytics, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Jupyter, Cloud Infrastructure, Business to Business (B2B), B2B, Full-stack, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Social Media, Social Media APIs, Architecture, Language Models, PDF, Computer Vision, Document Parsing, NLU, Test-driven Development (TDD), Data Analytics, Data Analysis, REST APIs, Leadership, CTO


2017 - 2018
Control Risks
  • 使用异常检测算法检测事务性数据. 这些数据帮助定罪了一家银行信贷欺诈集团的成员.
  • 使用机器学习算法检测保险欺诈集团.
  • 与中东的团队一起参与欺诈检测项目, South Africa, and the USA, preprocessing large volumes of data for analysis.
  • 开发销售线索跟踪和管理网络系统.
Technologies: Python 3, SAP, Tableau, QlikView, Databases, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), GPT, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Django, Scikit-learn, Data Science, Statistical Analysis, Decision Modeling, Machine Learning, Python, Modeling, Financial Data, Financial Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Text Analytics, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Lambda Functions, Keras, Cloud Infrastructure, Business to Business (B2B), B2B, Full-stack, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Social Media, Social Media APIs, Architecture, Language Models, PDF, Document Parsing, NLU, Test-driven Development (TDD), Data Analytics, Data Analysis, REST APIs, Leadership

IT Consultant

2007 - 2017
EOH Holdings
  • 建立了多个机器学习模型用于能源需求预测.
  • 开发了一个基于短信的电站维护调度和通知系统.
  • 使用数据科学工具开发市政收入改进系统.
  • 创建了基于网络的气候变化监测与评估系统的设计与架构.
Technologies: Python 3, .NET, Java, Oracle, R, SQL, Databases, Linux, Data Science, Statistical Analysis, Decision Modeling, NoSQL, Python, Financial Data, Financial Modeling, Business to Business (B2B), B2B, Full-stack, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Architecture, Document Parsing, Test-driven Development (TDD), Data Analytics, Data Analysis, REST APIs, Leadership, Apache Kafka

Detection of Brain Tumors On MRI

我和一位研究人员合作创建了一个深度学习模型,可以检测脑肿瘤的形状, if present, on MRI scans.

输入从保存在*中的T1和T2扫描中获取.dcm文件,并在3D Slicer软件中显示输出.



该API可部署在AWS Fargate上,并使用Tacotron PyTorch模型进行训练和推理. 除了语音生成之外,API还提供了在新样本上微调模型的选项.


这个项目使用历史价格变动和媒体的情绪变化来预测第二天一系列股票的价格变动. 预测基于许多ML模型(线性模型、集成模型和LSTM)。. The models are evaluated for the previous day, 第二天选出表现最好的模型. 跟踪项目的历史性能,并可作为API端点和在线仪表板使用:


SQL, Python 3, Python, R, JavaScript, GraphQL, Java


Django, Spark, .NET


TensorFlow, Scikit-learn,社交媒体API, REST API, PyTorch, Keras, SpaCy, Salesforce API


Amazon SageMaker, Jupyter, BigQuery,谷歌Analytics, AWS Fargate, Azure ML Studio, Tableau


Data Science, B2B, Test-driven Development (TDD)


Oracle, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, AWS Lambda, Docker, Kubernetes, Databricks, Linux, QlikView, Heroku, Apache Kafka


Databases, NoSQL, MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud Datastore, Google Cloud, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), BigQ

Industry Expertise

Social Media


Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning, Statistical Analysis, Decision Modeling, Machine Learning, Financial Data, Financial Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Text Analytics, Lambda Functions, Cloud Infrastructure, Large Language Models (LLMs), Business to Business (B2B), Full-stack, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Computer Vision, Architecture, Language Models, PDF, BERT, Document Parsing, Deep Neural Networks, NLU, Data Analytics, Data Analysis, Leadership, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), eCommerce, Modeling, Convolutional Neural Networks, Object Detection, Marketing Mix Modeling, Marketing Attribution, Market Research, Market Research & Analysis, CTO, Chatbots, OCR, Reinforcement Learning, Biostatistics, Numerical Methods, Statistics, Tax Accounting, Applied Physics, Negotiation, Wireless, Dash, SAP, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Regression, APIs, Attribution Modeling

2020 - 2021

Master's Degree in Physics

McMaster University - Hamilton, ON, Canada

2014 - 2017

Ph.D. in Business



Les Fondamentaux de la Négociation

ESSEC Business SchoOl Through Coursera.


Economics of Competing Energy Sources

Stanford University


Certified Wireless Engineer



Certified Energy Manager

Association of Energy Engineers


Oracle SQL
